Euskera, also known as Basque, is a unique and intriguing language. Unlike most European languages, it does not belong to any known language group or family, making it an enigma for linguists. Furthermore, Basque is an agglutinative language, which means that its verbs exhibit a wide variety of forms and conjugations. In this article, we will venture into the rich world of Basque and explore some of its fundamental verbs, as well as its most common conjugations. Thus, you will be able to discover and appreciate the beauty of this unique language.
Numbers in Basque from 1 to 100
In this interesting article we are going to teach you the numbers in Basque. We offer you a detailed list of ordinal and cardinal numbers. It should be noted that the numbering is part …
The months in Basque
One of the main characteristics of the Basque language is that it is the oldest (known) in Europe. In addition, according to the researchers, Basque is one of the…