The months in Basque

One of the main characteristics of the Basque language is that it is the oldest (known) in Europe. Furthermore, according to the researchers, Basque is one of the few languages โ€‹โ€‹that is still in use today and its origin is unknown. Linguists defend that Basque is inherited directly from the language of those who speak it and according to history, This language was spoken 15.000 years ago by the inhabitants of the Caves of Ekain, Lascaux and Altamira.

official flag of the basque country

The history of this language dates back to Neolithic times, but evidence can also be found that the origin of Euskera dates back to an earlier time. Currently, Euskera is spoken by 37% of the Basque population, that is, approximately one million people. In the geographical area where the Basques live, many remains of the Paleolithic period have been found, which means that this language has a great history.

In this article we are going to see a list of months in Basque with various usage examples so that you can express yourself correctly or at least understand what people are saying.

List of months in Basque and examples

Before going directly to the months, let's see what they are made of. The days of the week are:

  • Monday: astelehen
  • Tuesday: asterte
  • Wednesday: asteazken
  • Thursday: ostegun
  • Friday: ostyral
  • Saturday: larunbata
  • Sunday: igande

Some examples of the days of the week in Basque:

  • On Monday I will go to the cinema with my friends: Astelehenean nire zinemara joango naiz nire lagunekin
  • We will have to go to the office on Tuesday to talk to the boss: Asteartera bulegoetara joan behar dugu buruzagiarekin hitz egiteko
  • According to weather forecasts on Wednesday there will be hot weather: Asteazken eguraldiaren arabera, klima beroa egongo da
  • Thursday is the day of the week that I don't like: Osteguna ez zait gustatzen zaidan astean
  • I think on Friday I'll go for a walk with my friendsYou dut ostiralean nire lagunekin paseotuko dut
  • On Saturday I will go to the beach to have a good time with my family: larunbatean hondartzara joango naiz nire senideekin denbora dibertigarri bat hasteko
  • On Sunday I will have a day of rest therefore I will be happy: Igandean, atseden eguna izango dut, pozik nago

The months of the year in Basque are as follows:

in Spanish in Basque
Enero Urtarril
February otsail
March martxo
April april
May Maiatz
June ekaine
July uztail
August Abuztu
September Iraq
October Urri
November Azarus
December abendu


  • I like the month of January because it is the beginning of the year, the time to meet our goals: Urtarrilaren gustatzen zait, urteak aurrera egin ahala gure helburuak betetzeko
  • February is a month where Valentine's Day is celebrated: Otsailean hilabete bat ospatzen da San Valentin eguna
  • March is one of the months of the year that I like the most: Martxo gehien gustatzen zaidan urteko hilabeteetako bat da
  • In June I think I'll take a trip to France: Ekainean Frantziara bidaia egingo dut
  • I am happy because in July of this year I will finish the university semester: Pozik nago, aurtengo uztailean unibertsitateko seihilekoa bukatuko dutelako
  • I am preparing with the money because in August my birthday: Diruarekin prestatzen ari naiz, abuztuan urteak daramatzat
  • In September I will visit my grandmother in Murcia: Irailean nire amona Murtzia bisitatuko dut.
  • We are preparing an excellent Halloween party in October: Halloweeneko festa bikaina prestatzen ari gara urrian
  • The most important celebration of December is Christmas: Abenduko ospakizunik garrantzitsuenak Gabonak will say

the months in Basque listed

The seasons of the year are as follows:

  • Spring: udaberri
  • Summer: air
  • Fall: udazken
  • Winter: than

And some examples:

  • I like the summer because I can enjoy with my family and friends: Uda gustatzen zait nire familiarekin eta lagunekin gozatu doubtako
  • In spring I can admire the beautiful flowers in my garden: Udaberrian nire lorategiko lore ederrak miretsi ditut
  • In autumn it is time to travel to Florence to visit my parents: Udazkenean Florentziara joateko ordua da nire gurasoak bisitatzera
  • In winter time I like to wear comfortable clothes to feel good: Neguan, jantzi erosoak eroso sentitzen ditut

The song of the months in Basque

Finally, a very useful resource to learn the months in Basque well is through this song, which is very easy to memorize:

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