Let's speak Catalan: Learn the numbers in Catalan and how to pronounce them correctly

Let's speak Catalan: Learn the numbers in Catalan and how to pronounce them correctly
El Catalan It is a Romance language spoken in Catalonia, the Valencian Community, the Balearic Islands and the eastern part of Aragon, as well as in French Roussillon and the city of Alghero in Sardinia. Learning the numbers in Catalan is a fundamental aspect for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in this rich culture and language. With globalization and the growing importance of Catalan in different fields, such as education and the professional sphere, more and more people want to learn this language. In this article, we will focus on teaching you the numbers in Catalan and how to pronounce them correctly.

Learn the numbers from 1 to 10 in Catalan

The first step to learn numbers in any language is to start with the basic numbers, from 1 to 10. Here is the list of numbers in Catalan along with their translation into Spanish and phonetics:

  • 1: un (one) โ€“ /หˆun/
  • 2: dos (two) โ€“ /หˆdษ”s/
  • 3: tres (three) โ€“ /หˆtres/
  • 4: quatre (four) โ€“ /หˆkwatษพษ™/
  • 5: zinc (five) โ€“ /หˆsiล‹k/
  • 6: sis (six) โ€“ /หˆsis/
  • 7: set (seven) โ€“ /หˆset/
  • 8: vuit (eight) โ€“ /หˆbit/
  • 9: nou (nine) โ€“ /หˆnษ”w/
  • 10: deu (ten) โ€“ /หˆdew/

Numbers from 11 to 20 in Catalan

With numbers 1-10 learned, it won't be hard to memorize numbers 11-20. Remember that it's important to practice pronunciation to make sure you speak correctly. Now, we present you the list of numbers from 11 to 20 in Catalan:

  • 11: once (eleven) โ€“ /หˆษ”n.zษ™/
  • 12: dotze (twelve) โ€“ /หˆdษ”tsษ™/
  • 13: tretze (thirteen) โ€“ /หˆtษพetsษ™/
  • 14: fourteen (fourteen) โ€“ /kaหˆtษ”ษพ.zษ™/
  • 15: quinze (fifteen) โ€“ /หˆkin.zษ™/
  • 16: setze (sixteen) โ€“ /หˆsษ›tsษ™/
  • 17: disset (seventeen) โ€“ /diหˆsษ›t/
  • 18: divuit (eighteen) โ€“ /diหˆbit/
  • 19: dinou (nineteen) โ€“ /diหˆnษ”w/
  • 20: vint (twenty) โ€“ /หˆbint/

Counting by tens to 100

Next, we will learn to count by 10s up to 10 in Catalan. Mastering these numbers is essential to facilitate learning larger numbers and performing basic math calculations. Here is the list of numbers ten by ten:

  • 30: thirty (thirty) โ€“ /หˆtษพษ›n.tษ™/
  • 40: quaranta (forty) โ€“ /kwaหˆษพan.tษ™/
  • 50: fiftieth (fifty) โ€“ /siล‹หˆkwan.tษ™/
  • 60: seixanta (sixty) โ€“ /sษ™jหˆสƒan.tษ™/
  • 70: setanta (seventy) โ€“ /sษ™หˆtan.tษ™/
  • 80: vuitanta (eighty) โ€“ /bwiหˆtan.tษ™/
  • 90: noranta (ninety) โ€“ /nษ”หˆษพan.tษ™/
  • 100: cent (one hundred) โ€“ /หˆsen.t/

Compound numbers in Catalan

Once you have mastered the basic numbers in Catalan, you can combine them to form compound numbers, such as "veintidรณs" (vint-i-dos) or "fifty-seven" (cinquanta-siet). To do it correctly, in Catalan the conjunction ยซiยป (and) is used between some numbers, as in the examples mentioned.

It is important to take into account that some grammar rules are applicable when forming compound numbers in Catalan. For example, when the number that follows the "i" begins with a vowel, in Catalan a consonant is usually added to the "i" to facilitate pronunciation. An instance of this is found in "vint-i-un" for "twenty-one" (instead of "vint-i-un").

Learn ordinal numbers in Catalan

The ordinal numbers in Catalan follow a pattern similar to that of the cardinal numbers, although they present some variations in terms of grammar and pronunciation. Here are some examples of the most common ordinal numbers in Catalan:

  • primer (first) โ€“ /หˆpษพi.mษ™ษพ/
  • segon (second) โ€“ /sษ™หˆษฃษ”n/
  • tercero (third) โ€“ /หˆtษ›ษพ.sษ™ษพ/
  • quart (fourth) โ€“ /หˆkwart/
  • cinquรจ (fifth) โ€“ /siล‹หˆkษ›/

In summary, learning the numbers in Catalan is an essential aspect in the process of learning this language. Practicing the pronunciation and memorizing the basic numbers will help you to function with ease in everyday situations. Keep practicing and you will soon master numbers in Catalan!

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