English is one of the most widely spoken languages โโin the world. The pronunciation is not as easy as we would like, but you can start with simple topics, such as numbers, months and week days in English. Some very basic lessons for all beginners of the English language, is to know and pronounce the days of the week well. Confusions in correct pronunciation can often occur.
This learning is very common in the first years of the initial stage of teaching, whether as children or adults, they will always find the way to write and pronounce the days of the week in this language, also on trips to English-speaking countries .
An excellent way to begin these studies is to learn little by little, first the numbers in English, then the days of the week, colors, among others. Below we will present a list of the days of the week in English.
When speaking in the source language we can better understand what they are saying to us, because we know the language. For this reason it is recommended when you want to learn English you should immerse yourself fully and avoid looking for the translation of everything. Anyway, in the following example you will be able to know both parts in both English and Spanish:
- Monday (
- Tuesday (
- Wednesday (
- Thursday (
- Friday (
- Saturday (
- Sunday (
Pronunciation of the days of the week in English
Cheer up, it's very easy !!
If you want you can practice every day of the week in English, exchanging different words or combining phrases, it is an easier way to learn. Do it every day until you pronounce them perfectly.
Remember that practice makes the language much easier; so practice, try to memorize, put notes where you can see them more easily or watch movies that you like a lot without subtitles to speed up your mind in the new language, even from the beginning learning to pronounce the alphabet well from A to Z makes it easy enormously learning from the rest.
Children learn easier
Children are currently being taught English in kindergartens, and they are assigned homework where they are always present on weekdays in English. This in order to help them through games with tables, tiles, puzzles and word search; They can also do it with upbeat songs to encourage optimal and fun learning.
This is a way of sharing with them and at the same time taking advantage of the time to learn a new or different language; increasing their potential in the classes and ensuring that in the future they do not have problems and that they develop as excellent professionals.
I loved good content, keep it up
It's true, I passed my high school exam on English, this page helped me a lot
Bns days that of wanting to learn new languages โโsuch as English seems excellent to me since we have the great help that the applications have, it is only a matter of the desire and desire of each one.
is very good
I am very interested in the English language. I think the advice on this page is very good
I love him